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Tallinn diploma

diploma hfuhf eng sm

Award rules:
Radioamateur must establish at least 10 QSOs with different radioamateurs from Tallinn (ES1)  in any modulation.
There is only one QSO allowed with each of 10 amateurs from Tallinn in one the following bands: (160м-6м).
Also we have diplomas for SWL !

Diploma is free and will be sent by e-mail.
QSOs counts starting from January 2017.

All requests with scanned paper cards, copy of electronic qso cards or QSOs from personal log software must be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Diplomas numeration is different for operators and SWLs. Good luck friends !

Additional information HERE


  • Erau
  • Hamdmr
  • Cbfoorum
  • Tehnoturg

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