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About us

The idea to create a web site for Russian-speaking radio amateurs of Estonia was said out loud in July, 2015 and it was brought to life during the same month.


Our Goals:

  • Introduction of ham radio world to the people interested in it.
  • Support and assistance for people new to the ham radio as well as to ones who are familiar with radio.
  • Improvement of “being-on-air” skills, experiments, antennae construction and testing
  • Ham radio amateurs gatherings, training sessions, field days
  • Contest participation
  • Work on international radio amateur programs: WWFF (World Wide Flora Fauna), COTA (Castles on the Air), SOTA (Summits on the Air), IOTA (Islands on the Air) and ARLHS (Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society programs)..

Our Team:

ES1TIA – Andrei. Created initial version of our website. Ham radio operator. Actively supports the project development.
ES4RLH – Andrei. Web designer and developer, actively supporting our project together with the team. The one inspired us to transit to upgraded version of our website.
ES1ACS – Sergei. Co-founder of the initial version of our website. Ham radio operator. Takes active part in project support and development as well as actively working on various activation programs.
ES1RAM – Ramil. Fresh Class B Ham radio operator. Joined the team in 2018, actively supporting our club development, helps with articles translation/interpretation.


We sincerely hope that our visitors will be able to find interesting information and new members are always welcome to join us.
We wish you a pleasant time reading our webpage and forum.


  • Erau
  • Hamdmr
  • Cbfoorum
  • Tehnoturg

© 2020 Радиолюбители Эстонии. Все права защищены. Представленные на сайте логотипы являются собственностью компаний-производителей.


Посетителей сегодня: 289 -- Yesterday 223 -- Week 990 -- Посетителей за месяц: 3546 -- Всего посетителей: 880443